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Change Log

We are committed to time tracking. WeWorked will only get better.


August 8 Fix Removal of duplicate expense may remove attachment
June 28 Enhancement Send SMS to UK from local number
April 24 Fix Inactive users display in not-submitted review
Feb 23 Enhancement Advanced holidays settings


Dec 10 Fix Invoice default sorting desc
Dec 6 Enhancement Save report filters for standard reports
Dec 6 Enhancement autofocus projects and task selections
November 14 Enhancement Quick tab for reviewing not-submitted time
November 8 Fix Display of not-submitted time
October 2 Enhancement Budget alerts can be based on percentages
September 15 Enhancement Faster pending timesheet results
August 30 Fix Fixed deny semi-monthly timesheets
July 12 Fix Fixed display of not-submitted timesheets
June 1 Fix Fixed auto hide dashboard for other profiles


December 9 Fix Reports show inactive group members
November 23 Enhancement Security updates
November 23 Fix Stopped company-wide notifications from turning off when payments fail
July 2 Fix Stopped company-wide notifications from turning on automatically
July 1 Enhancement Filter active and archived users in all standard reports
June 21 Enhancement Leave history shows timesheet approved date
June 1 Enhancement Increased notes length in invoice set
May 14 Fix Project cards were not displaying all
May 2 Enhancement Project task list displays budget info
April 23 Fix Weekly comments cannot be empty
March 26 Fix Submit reminders trigger on Friday before weekend
March 26 Fix Accepting invites from mobile numbers with dashes
January 17 Enhancement More notes added to leave policy fields
January 17 Enhancement Auto hide dashboard when viewing another profile
January 9 Enhancement Additional leave history details
January 3 Enhancement Annual carryover performance


December 31 Enhancement Bitcoin payments accepted
December 26 Enhancement Expense history added
November 10 Fix Bulk review comments wrap
October 10 Enhancements Project list performance
September 25 Enhancements Security updates
August 17 Fix Search result permissions for all access option
May 18 Fix Budget alert task list results
April 2 Fix Invoice and report rounding
March 29 Enhancement Users sorted by alphabet groups
February 25 Fix Removed extra space from email invites
February 25 Fix Security updates - profiles
February 24 Fix iPhone app not sending pwd requests
February 10 Enhancement Allow editing of weekly comments
February 10 Enhancement Upload size limit increased to 4mb
January 22 Enhancement Multiple select projects and users for 3 standard reports
January 5 Fix Annual renewal reminder shows correct days
January 3 Fix Bulk denials sends comments and logs history


January 3 Fix Bulk denials sends comments and logs history
December 5 Fix Quick timesheets entries using tab
December 2 Fix Project list photo alignment
December 2 Fix Project/Task display for more languages
November 14 Enhancement Quick search for projects
November 14 Enhancement New quick report date filters
October 25 Fix Auto remember last timesheet view
October 7 Fix Access to budget alerts if can manage project
October 5 Enhancement Annual renewal advanced notice emails
September 3 Fix Pop up notice when timesheet loses connection
July 29 Fix Copying projects with no assignments
July 28 Enhancement Referral program
July 28 Enhancement Audit logging - admins and user assignments
July 14 Enhancement Export options for projects, tasks, users, and more
June 28 Fix IE expense report categories and statuses
June 4 Enhancement Stronger passwords and other security updates
May 9 Fix Failed expense uploads identified on report
March 25 Fix Labeling text under permissions section
March 4 Fix Logo photo uploads


December 28 Fix Profile photo uploads
November 30 Enhancement Increased quick clock in time period
November 14 Fix PDF attachment links in pdf expense reports
October 20 Enhancement Task filter added to detail and summary standard reports
October 15 Fix Split time after midnight setting
September 16 Enhancement Tablet-friendly website/app
September 16 Enhancement Capture salary information in profiles
September 16 Enhancement WeWorked On-Site clock in/out
September 16 Enhancement Capture start and end times
August 31 Enhancement Filter Not-Submitted timesheets considers hire date
June 15 Fix Prevent duplicate holidays
April 3 Fix Review inactive filter
March 28 Fix Non-working settings link displays
March 26 Fix Inactive users display if time pending
March 10 Fix Correctly display special characters in daily comments
January 24 Fix Selecting all and none buttons in user profiles
January 14 Enhancement Quick timesheet reviews from single screen
January 8 Enhancement Cookies required notification
January 8 Enhancement Feedback surveys


December 21 Fix SMS to international numbers
December 10 Fix Zip file for expense attachments
December 9 Enhancement Text/SMS reminders to enter time
October 29 Enhancement Advanced credit card payment form
October 12 Enhancement Copying timesheets do not copy inactive tasks and projects
October 12 Enhancement Copying projects allow select active and/or inactive tasks
October 9 Fix Leave policy accruals with same type and frequency
October 9 Enhancement Reactivated and disabled users are notified
September 24 Fix Removing groups assigns users
September 13 Enhancement Invoice performance improvements
August 8 Fix Duplicate leave charges for some approvals
August 18 Enhancement Quick links for report date periods
August 8 Enhancement View leave request notes and history
August 8 Enhancement Hide dashboard with quick menu navigation
August 1 Enhancement Copy projects when creating new
August 1 Enhancement Add notes to leave adjustments
July 26 Fix PDF of payment invoices show correct date
July 17 Enhancement See total number of people assigned to a project
July 17 Enhancement Round profile photos
July 17 Enhancement Timesheet calendar defaults to current week
July 14 Fix IE 11 page load error
July 12 Enhancement Advanced permissions for non-admins
July 12 Enhancement Choose start up default start page
July 9 Enhancement Quick search dropdowns for timesheet and reports
June 28 Enhancement Referral rewards
June 23 Enhancement Deny expense option with reason
June 10 Fix App first login activates invited accounts
June 10 Enhancement Leave history shows running balance
May 15 Fix Changed bi-monthly to semi-monthly in activity log
May 15 Fix Issue preventing semi-monthly approvals
April 18 Fix Stopped semi-monthly multiple approvals
February 14 Enhancement Holiday management
January 2 Enhancement Improved security protocol
January 2 Enhancement Delay login after too many failed attempts


November 24 Enhancement Upgrades now display prorated amount
November 3 Fix Submit timesheet reminders off for some
October 24 Fix Long company name margin on invoices
August 26 Fix Detail report sort for international date format
August 25 Fix New line for company name for PDF invoices with logo
June 28 Enhancement Increased commentd to 2000 characters on timesheets
June 28 Fix Expenses notification emails show correct submitter
June 20 Fix Semi-Monthly double approvals
June 14 Fix SMS notifications
May 7 Fix Chrome expense attachments auto display
May 7 Fix Expense report shows pdf attachments
April 27 Fix Leave approval report dates off based on timezone
April 25 Fix Expense PDFs automatically download in Chrome
April 9 Fix Show proper currency when entering project rates
April 9 Fix Long emails wrap on invoices
March 10 Fix Export of comments keeps lines together
March 10 Fix Adding new expense categories
March 2 Enhancement Expense reports
March 2 Enhancement Leave request section rearranged
March 2 Fix Expense reports
February 25 Fix Special characters allowed passwords
February 25 Fix Invoice tax miscalculation with certain totals
January 24 Enhancement Enter mobile number for text notifications
January 24 Enhancement Notification to remind users to submit timesheet
January 24 Enhancement Enter daily comments from week view
January 20 Fix Double submission and approval of some timesheets
January 3 Fix Invoice due date display
January 2 Enhancement Archived tasks are hidden by default


December 13 Enhancement Performance improvements
November 10 Enhancement Security updates
October 15 Enhancement Enforce SSL connections all the time
October 15 Enhancement Import daily comments into detailed report
October 14 Fix Daily reminder email
September 15 Enhancement More filters and search added to invoices area
September 15 Enhancement QuickBooks integration, copy invoices to QuickBooks
September 15 Fix Print-version of timesheet shows approvers
September 7 Fix Fixed bi-weekly language to semi-monthly
September 7 Enhancement Users and projects are grouped by status on report filter
September 7 Enhancement Select inactive projects for reports
August 25 Enhancement Turn off optional submission emails at company level
August 24 Fix Autoload of pending timesheets were hanging for some users
August 21 Enhancement Auto load all pending timesheets in review area
August 17 Enhancement Improved timesheet review section. Functions more like reports section and allows groupings of weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly
August 17 Enhancement Select a person to notify (email) when submitting time.
August 17 Enhancement Bi-weekly approvals, submissions, and denials - 1 - 15 and 16 - end of month
August 17 Enhancement Daily and bi-weekly approvals, submissions, and denials - single day or multiple
August 17 Change Removed "Created by WeWorked" from invoice footer
May 11 Enhancement Add a new task to multiple projects
March 22 Enhancement Export invoice (CSV) for easy import into Xero and other accounting software
March 15 Fix Tax and discounts for invoices only allows valid numbers
March 15 Fix Auto remove space from emails for new users
March 15 Fix Leave balance settings with accented names
February 19 Enhancement Update credit card on file
February 19 Enhancement Improved invoice edit screen layout
February 19 Enhancement Create Invoice Sets that allow management of labels, select fields that display, footer text, and more
February 19 Enhancement Add client when creating a blank invoice
January 31 Enhancement Pull up refund receipt in account area
January 31 Fix Auto date in comments matches company settings
January 31 Fix Failed upgrades when email changes
January 27 Fix Invoices with custom date results improved
January 27 Enhancement Alphabetized currency
January 19 Enhancement Change start of week
January 15 Fix Duplicate zip for client on invoice


August 17 Enhancement Improved timesheet review section. Functions more like reports section and allows groupings of weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly
December 15 Enhancement View past receipts for subscription
November 30 Enhancement Hide non-billable from timesheet printouts
November 30 Enhancement Displays more information under account details
November 30 Enhancement Daily task timer allows closing of window
October 26 Enhancement Leave requests added w/new report
October 26 Enhancement New leave balance report
October14 Fix Leave policies for same type accrue if person not assigned
October 2 Fix Deleted leave policy may still accrue
September 30 Fix Sort order for user and task report
August 25 Enhancement Leave adjustments now accept negative values
August 12 Enhancement Timesheet timer added to daily view
July 4 Enhancement Quickly turn off reminder from email message
July 4 Enhancement Timesheets auto convert time format to decimal format (3:45 to 3.75)
June 26 Fix Time zone setting considers daylight savings time
June 23 Enhancement Set default leave balances and adjust leave balances
June 18 Fix Daily email reminder timing for different time zones
June 16 Enhancement Quick link for reviewing time on daily view
June 16 Enhancement Email for denied time shows name and email of person who denied
June 16 Enhancement Change format of dates
June 8 Fix Timesheet status on printer-friendly version
June 8 Enhancement Reports ordered alphabetically
June 8 Enhancement New detailed report with daily comments
June 8 Enhancement Daily time view with comments
June 7 Fix Second address line displays correct on invoices
June 7 Fix Detailed report order and group properly with same first name
June 1 Enhancement VAT field for company and clients
June 1 Enhancement VAT information for company and client automatically populated in notes on invoices
June 1 Enhancement Attn field available on invoices
June 1 Enhancement Choose Tax description on invoices (VAT, GST, or Tax)
June 1 Fix Shared invoices show line breaks in notes
May 29 Enhancement Change account owners
May 23 Enhancement Unsubscribe link in emails during trial for account owners
May 8 Enhancement Random password generated when inviting users
April 28 Enhancement Start with blank invoices
April 28 Enhancement Added name and email to invite email so people know who invited them
April 28 Enhancement Upload company logo for display on invoices
April 28 Enhancement Change invoice term on invoice and date auto adjusted
April 28 Enhancement Company email and phone added to invoices
April 28 Enhancement View leave history
April 28 Enhancement Leave policies can run (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
April 28 Enhancement Leave policies can apply to one or more people
April 28 Enhancement Changing payment terms on invoice automatically updates due date
April 28 Enhancement Invitations now include name and email of person inviting user
April 21 Enhancement Increased length of task code to 50 characters
April 21 Enhancement Increased length of task names to 250 characters
April 14 Fix Invoices are generated when client have special characters in name
March 25 Fix Sharing invoices to multiple people ignores spaces after comma to allow access
March 22 Enhancement Improved session notification by prompting to log in
March 13 Enhancement Users are notified when session expires when timesheet left open
February 22 Enhancement Hide comments and leave from timesheet printouts
February 22 Enhancement Long dates on invoices for international customers
February 22 Enhancement Project list screen remembers card or list preference
February 22 Enhancement Archived projects are hidden by default
February 14 Enhancement Timesheet usability improvements - larger font, more space, cleaner feel
February 9 Fix Reports now export hypens and other special characters correctly to excel
February 9 Fix Users not tracking leave are prevented from adding leave to timesheets
February 2 Enhancement PayPal is no longer required to upgrade, no longer an option
February 2 Enhancement New upgrade and downgrade options for plans
February 2 Enhancement Cancel plan from within new account area
February 2 Enhancement New account area to view plan and payment information
January 20 Fix New invoices default to company's currency setting
January 12 Enhancement Timesheet and invoice comments display line breaks
January 12 Enhancement Increased comment field on invoices to 5000 characters
January 7 Enhancement Increased comment field on invoices to 1000 characters
January 1 Enhancement Write a review of WeWorked


January 16 Fix Print-friendly version of timesheet now shows correct time for single rows
February 20 Enhancement Added international currency support
February 20 Enhancement Added professional invoicing feature
February 20 Enhancement Manage clients from a single area
February 20 Enhancement Set a default country for a company
February 20 Enhancement Allow people to approve time for multiple groups
February 20 Enhancement Manage groups from a single area
February 20 Enhancement Improved performance of PDF generation
February 20 Change Removed daily email reminder
February 20 Fix Session no longer logs users out when visiting homepage or login screen
February 20 Enhancement Extended session time
February 25 Enhancement Option to "remember me" on log in screen
February 28 Enhancement Clicking on a timesheet entry field highlights all the numbers in the field
February 28 Enhancement Adding a comment to a timesheet scrolls screen down automatically to new comment
March 5 Fix PDF report not showing correct total hours
March 7 Fix Removed see-more link from search and improved search
March 7 Enhancement Added detail time and date report
March 7 Enhancement Choose groups and people to run reports
February 17 Enhancement Generating a report scrolls screen down automatically to report results
February 17 Enhancement Added a "list view" to make it easier to find projects
February 17 Enhancement Logging in takes users directly to timesheet
March 3 Fix Detailed timesheet report shows correct totals for each user
April 21 Enhancement WeWorked now accepts monthly or annual payments for upgrades
April 21 Enhancement New report filters (time status, task status, show zeros)
April 21 Enhancement New invoice filters (time status, task status, show zeros)
April 21 Enhancement "To" calendar field starts with "From" calendar field value
April 21 Enhancement Administrators can view and edit inactive user profiles
April 21 Enhancement Performance improvements
April 30 Enhancement Right aligned numbers in reports
May 15 Enhancement Added South African Rand (ZAR) currency
May 28 Enhancement Copy project data to new projects and existing
May 28 Enhancement Automatic email reminders with time and day options
June 4 Enhancement Added new "Feature Bundle" plan
June 22 Enhancement Accept invoice payments with PayPal
June 22 Enhancement Press enter after typing password to quickly log in
July 2 Fix Prevent users from removing all administrators
July 2 Enhancement Copy timesheet tasks and hours to the next week
July 2 Enhancement Weekends are visually distinguishable from the work week
July 2 Fix Mobile time changes update time audit log
July 2 Enhancement Increased speed to delete task/row from a timesheet
July 19 Fix Companies with expired trials will no longer receive daily email reminders, if active
July 28 Enhancement Grant users access to individual reports and limit data access
August 15 Fix Time reviewers now have access to the projects of the user's timesheet they are editing
August 24 Enhancement Sorted timesheet rows alphabetically by project and task
August 24 Enhancement Added name of report to report header
August 24 Enhancement Added infinite scroll to time review areas
August 24 Enhancement Added new payroll report for (Paychex, ADP, etc.)
August 24 Enhancement Added new field "Internal ID" to user profiles
November 11 Enhancement Prompts users using unsupported browsers to upgrade
November 11 Enhancement Change settings for users with pending invitations
November 11 Enhancement Estimated project hours now accepts decimals
December 11 Fix Reports with "show zeros" option disabled shows correct results
December 19 Enhancement Change date of invoice
December 19 Enhancement Clients and company have a second address line field


May 8 Fix Resend invite now sends email
June 19 Fix Incorrect timesheet approver showing
June 19 Fix Timesheets not locking once approved for certain users
July 2 Enhancement Changing user status now puts users in the correct category immediately and updates remaining user count
July 2 Enhancement Creating a new group while adding a user allows you to select the group as someone the user approves time for
July 18 Enhancement Users can view total hrs and status for previous and next week from single screen
July 18 Enhancement Bi-weekly submit, approve, deny timesheets capability
July 18 Enhancement Standarized timesheet to display two decimal places
July 18 Enhancement Viewing another users timesheet now displays their leave balance
July 18 Enhancement Changed boxes to capsules for list of projects (cleaner look)
July 18 Enhancement Assigning or removing a users assignment shows color coded action to easily see change
July 18 Fix Removed link in timesheet tip area that allowed users to edit locked timesheet
July 18 Enhancement Changed auto saved text on timesheet to show duration
August 3 Enhancement Changed settings link to a single link for Account Settings
August 7 Enhancement Displaying unique employee ID in profile.
August 16 Enhancement Generate standard report in PDF
September 19 Enhancement Added completed audit history of timesheets and projects to support DCAA compliance
September 19 Enhancement Notification settings for receiving daily email reminder to submit time
October 18 Fix Adding groups shows group in list immediately without screen refresh
October 23 Fix Corrected person assigned as approver for a group not seeing approve or deny buttons
November 2 Fix Corrected issue with users denied access when assigned to approve group with no users assigned
November 5 Enhancement Increased size of buttons and timesheet entry fields
November 17 Fix Corrected issue with arrow keys controls for search box in IE
November 17 Enhancement Corrected alignment issues with next week display on timesheet
November 17 Fix Stopped small blue line from displaying on certain pages
November 17 Enhancement Added help description to notifications screen
November 17 Fix Removed add/delete alert when adding a project to a user
November 25 Fix Increased password field length to 16 characters
November 25 Enhancement Added functionality to account for company and individual users' time zones
November 25 Enhancement Added international address support
November 30 Fix Corrected issue not allowing selection of permissions for approving groups, etc.
November 30 Enhancement Click on next and previous week information on timesheet goes forward and back in time
December 1 Enhancement Dismiss tips permanently
December 5 Enhancement Displaying who gets notified when a timesheet is denied
December 5 Enhancement Larger and cleaner comments area on timesheets
December 10 Enhancement One-click edit of a task with a more descriptive explanation of archiving
December 10 Enhancement Put users names and tasks in alphabetical order by first name
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